Saturday, August 29, 2009

Great Management Gurus

Here are some lessons from a few unheralded Management Gurus.....


Simplicity is the most precious asset that one should own.

Message from Ant......"Earn first. Spend later.InvestFirst. Consume Later."


When any irritation gets into an Oyster it uses the same irritations to create a Pearl.

Message from Oyster......"Create a Pearl every time you face adversities"


Eagle has a life of 60 years.However after 30 years,it cannot fly and catch food.So it breaks its own beak and wings.

The new beak and wings grow in a few months.The Eagle can then fly and catch food.The Eagle sacrifices for a better tomorrow!

Message from Eagle ….."Upgrade your knowledge, skills and abilities continuously."


Trees teach us Patience, Growth and Selfless Service.

Trees begin as a small seeds and grow in stages.The higher it grows; the more it needs to spread its roots deeper

To grow as an individual, family or an organization we need to spread our roots deeply.Trees also spread branches.

Message from Trees......"We should spread in various dimensions like personal, professional, social and spiritual."


Chameleon changes colors, for self-protection and hiding from target food

Message....."We should change to adjust to people, environment and situation".

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